Monday, April 15, 2024

Shella's Wedding BY JENN WEBSTER


       Shella, the Sea Centaur, and her true love, another sea centaur named Rion, have been in love for quite a while; Shella has wondered if this beautiful romance could continue. Meanwhile, Rion has been secretly planning to pop the question to Shella because he has just created an engagement ring out of a pearl and some worn-out metal that he found in an old sunken ship. Now, all that Rion needs is to find the perfect time and place to ask Shella for her hand in marriage.
       One day, Rion sent Shella a message, saying that he would like to have a very special dinner with her tomorrow night at his place. Shella had never been so happy in all of her life! As tomorrow night came, Shella swam to Rion's place so that she could dine with him and share her love with him.
       Shella and Rion had their dinner and began to look at each other with loving eyes; Shella looked at Rion while Rion himself looked back at Shella. After they had finished eating, Rion confessed his love for Shella to her, saying that he had never been in love with anyone until he met Shella and that he would not ever find a woman as very special as Shella. Shella then surprised Rion by saying that very same sentence to Rion that he had just said! Rion was both surprised and happy at the same time, and with that, Rion had found the perfect time to propose to Shella and ask her to be his bride, so Rion got down on his seahorse tail and popped the question! 

        Shella accepted Rion's marriage proposal, and when Rion himself slipped the ring on Shella's right finger, one knows that it is really official! And then afterward, Shella and Rion kissed.
       The next four weeks went by as preparations were underway for the couple's wedding; the invitations had been sent, the cake was being made, and then there was the bridal veil tiara. Shella had insisted on creating her own bridal veil wedding tiara, one that is so very beautiful enough so that she could wear it at her wedding. Shella then tried on the veil tiara on her hair, and then looked in the mirror; Shella then knew that she was now ready to take on the wonderful yet difficult at times world of marriage.
       Meanwhile, Rion, thus being the groom, put on a undersea groom necklace, as well as a black bow-tie, so that he would look so very handsome when he and Shella exchange vows at their wedding; he takes one good look at himself in the mirror, and then gave himself a wink. 

       And so, one week later, the undersea grand wedding of Shella and Rion had taken place; Rion was standing at the altar awaiting his beautiful blonde bride. Just then, Shella appeared with her undersea bridal veil and flowers that she was holding. The music of "Here Comes The Bride" began softly as Shella walked down the aisle. When Shella reached the altar, Rion held her hand as she reached it. And the minister began, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony, to be joiningly united in grand marriage..."
       Then the minister asked Shella and Rion to hold hands and bow down, and then he blessed the couple; then the couple began to exchange their own vows. Then Shella and Rion exchanged rings, with each of them saying, "With this ring, I take him/her as my wife/husband, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and to always be together with each other until we are parted by death." And afterward, the minister asked the couple to hold hands that have the wedding rings on their fingers, and to bow down again, and then the minister blessed them again, offering their wishes for a long and blessed union together.
       The minister then announced, "By the power invested in me by the beautiful nature of the ocean, I now pronounce you, Shella and Rion, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!" Afterward, Rion and Shella kissed, and everyone cheered! Then the minister introduced the couple as Mr. and Mrs. Rion, and everyone cheered again! 

       Shella and Rion are now officially husband and wife! Congratulations were in order for the happy couple, and so many humanoid ocean creatures wished the happy couple much joy and happiness in their marriage; after a small reception, Shella and Rion got into a magic sea bubble and rode off for their honeymoon, but not before Shella threw the bouquet and a baby mermaid caught the bouquet!
       And so, the sea centaur couple is married. Shella and Rion kiss again, both knowing that they are finally united in a marriage as deep as the sea and as pure as golden blond hair—just like Shella's.
            (C)2024 Jenn Webster 

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